Thursday, December 24, 2009

Week 19 & Big Ultrasound

Well, yesterday I went into the Doctors office super excited to find out if we were having a boy or girl... When I told the tech about my excitement she said to me "Those who are excited, the baby usually doesnt cooperate." We got to see the arms , feet and hands. It was precious. But, I was so distracted by my desire to find out the sex. Well, that didnt happen. The tech said the baby wouldnt cooperate. I was told that I would need to come back on 1/6/10 to have her look at the spinal cord & chambers of the heart as they were too small for her to tell. And if I am lucky, find out the sex! I was super upset because I had hoped to find out before Christmas. I guess, It will be my New Years Gift?!? I hope so because the suspense is killing me!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009